Further Reading and Resources
The best resource to find more about mapping is to engage in one of the webinars that you can take part in. Alternatively, you can read either my first book Therapy with a Map or the newly published follow up Talking with a map
However, here are some downloadable resources and further reading that you might want to explore.
This article was written for the ACAT summer newsletter in 2016, it explores moments of side by side mapping between the client and practitioner.

This paper describes the elements of a checklist of patterns that helper's and those being helped can be pulled into. A list of twenty patterns is included.

The pressure to sort and fix things means we can often feel helpless but that does not mean we should turn on ourselves and accuse ourselves of being useless or letting others do this.

This article was written for the memorial issue of Reformulation in 2018. It gives an account of the origins of the conceptual tool of reciprocal roles which is such a versatile and key part of cognitive analytic therapy and of the methods and ideas for relational mapping more widely.

This article was written in the autumn of 2016 post the Brexit referendum and pre Trump election as president of the USA. It explores the process of a narcissistic investment in ideas whether developmental or contextually or politically.
This draft paper puts the case for developing a contextual measure of relational awareness.

In this 2008 article Julie Lloyd and Steve Potter look at autism through the lens of relational intelligence.

A compainion piece to the article above this article looks at how using CAT can help us think in a more relationally intelligent way about our helping relationships.

This checklist is designed as its title indicates to assist reflective awareness about and through a conversation in a specific relational context.
An aid to developing sensitivity and awareness to moments of inflated or deflated ideas or roles, between ourselves or others. Useful for those who have taken part in one of my narcissism workshops.