What is map and talk?
It is an interactive method of putting key words spontaneously on paper between us to keep track of our conversations and stories as we talk.
It helps us guide, shape and review what we are saying and where the conversation is taking us.
The process enhances the experience of talking and is an aid to therapy, reflective practice and any form of serious discussion.
The focus of map and talk can be on the words we are using, the patterns of interaction emerging in the story and the links we are making.
It can be used therapeutically, educationally, organisationally, politically and conversationally whether with individuals or in groups.

Hand Drawn Videos
Map and talk is best when it's done side by side, next to each other on a table with a big piece of paper to enable effective tracking and following of the conversation.
Having given therapy, supervision and training online for the past ten years I have found that having a camera that allows me to share the map as I am writing it increidble useful. . This naturally led to the idea that teaching videos would eb vaulabe and led to the creation of these "hand drawn videos. This series of ten was made to give the basics of how to map and talk. But expect more to come soon. Have a look and see how the concetp feels for you.
Hand Drawn Videos
Hand Drawn Videos

Why Map and talk

Words on Paper - Hand Drawn Video 2

Doing and feeling - Hand drawn Video 7

Sensing and Saying - Hand Drawn Video 3

Hopes and Fears - Hand drawn Video 5

Here and There - Hand Drawn Video 4

Stories and Patterns - Hand drawn video 8

Links and Gaps - Hand Drawn Video 6

Hover and Shimmer - Hand Drawn Video 10

It helps us talk more openly especially when talking about difficult ideas, complex situations and mixed feelings.
Mapping helps us see patterns in our ways of relating and in the stories we share.
The method of mapping develops relational awareness and draws upon ideas from Cognitive Analytic Therapy
It helps make different points of view visible and negotiable
It is widely used as aid to therapy, team discussion and reflective practice
It turns conversation into a more tangible and tactile activity, working co-creatively side by side.

Sit together with pen and paper between you
Agree to use the words on paper as something that will help you listen.
Write down key words that resonate with the flow of the conversation or give shape and meaning to the story.
Use the words on paper to go back over the 'story so far' and deepen and widen your conversation and your understanding.
Dont expect to make a tidy map.
Use the mapping process to help get into the conversation without getting lost or put on the spot
Watch the hand drawn videos that show the process of mapping in action.

The grid explains the idea of relational awareness as the quality that is enabled by mapping as we talk and therapy with a map.
The grid combines three qualities of relational awareness against three dimensions in a grid of nine items

This integrative and relational approach to psychotherapy and mental health is a central influence on the ideas, values and methods on the map and talk website, the Therapy with a Map book and all the various contributions.

Besides the book Therapy with a Map and the blog there is also:
the grid (explore relational awareness - its qualities and dimensions)
a small collection of past articles (download the PDFs)
a pilot measure of relational awareness (RAM) supported by an international research group
hand drawn videos that show how to enter into the process of mapping and talking whether for therapy, reflective practice or just having a good talk.